Ending Indonesia’s Dog and Cat Meat Trades: The Journey So Far

Ending Indonesia’s Dog and Cat Meat Trades: The Journey So Far

Added on Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Since launching the Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition in November 2017, with your ongoing support, we have achieved so much for Indonesia’s dogs and cats caught up in the unimaginably cruel and brutal meat trades. After years of agonising investigations and the compilation of reports and data, we knew we had all the evidence and information we needed to end these horrors for good!

The heartbreaking investigations helped us to raise the public and political support we needed, and gained us national and international celebrity support from the likes of Simon Cowell, Ellen DeGeneres, Chelsea Islan and Cameron Diaz. Our supporters from throughout Indonesia took to the streets in ever-growing numbers, and our voice was loud and clear in calling for a Dog and Cat Meat Free Indonesia!


The ever-growing support helped us build momentum with the government, and in August , the government made the announcement we had been lobbying so hard for: That that dog and cat meat are not recognised as food in Indonesia, and regulations must be passed to prohibit these trades that are cruel and dangerous!


And in November this year, we submitted the signatures of over 1 million people from around the world on the petition addressed to the government, calling on strong and urgent action to be taken to end these horrors…... And Hundreds of our supporters again took to the streets in cities throughout Indonesia to make sure their voice was heard nationwide!


We still have a long way to go, but with your ongoing support, we will never give up until the last dog & cat slaughterhouse, market and restaurant have been closed ~


In Bobby’s Honour

We found Bobby sitting in a wire cage in a busy dog meat market in North Sulawesi whilst we were conducting investigations in December 2017. He was surrounded by scenes from a horror movie, and the terror in his eyes was haunting. We knew we couldn’t leave him.

It breaks our heart that he left this world too soon, but he left having known love and with a name. And in his name, we will never give up until the dog and cat meat trades end throughout Indonesia.

Hero’s Story

The Dog Meat Free-Indonesia coalition spent many long and heartbreaking months investigating the inner-workings of the dog meat trade throughout Indonesia. As people who do what we do because we care so passionately about animals, doing investigations never gets any easier. It is soul-destroying and heart-breaking, but essential in documenting the reality of the trade so that we are best-positioned to fight it, and to ultimately realise our goal of ending the dog meat trade.

But we always save those we can…

On one particular day, we had the chance to save a dog who we named 'Hero'.

Change is coming in Indonesia and throughout Asia… Never before has the dog meat trade or the consumption of dog meat been questioned the way it is now. People are turning their backs on a trade and a practice that can no longer hide behind a defense of ‘culture’ or ‘tradition’.