Take action now by signing our global petition calling on the Indonesian government to ban the trade in and slaughtering of dogs, and consumption of dog meat throughout Indonesia.

We are committed to ending the dog meat trade in Indonesia in recognition of the inherent cruelty to animals and the threat it poses to public health and safety.

Every year, millions of dogs are brutally transported throughout Indonesia to supply the demand for dog meat. Many are stolen family pets and illegally trafficked dogs. They are crammed into cages and sacks so tightly that they can barely move, their mouths bound shut so they can hardly breathe. They are taken on long journeys to supply markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants. They watch others being brutally killed in filthy slaughterhouses whilst they wait their turn.

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Dogs are snared by dog catchers and thieves, bound into sacks with their mouths tied shut with rope. Once they arrive at the markets and slaughterhouses, they are kept in a room with their muzzle and their four feet tied. Most dogs are in this position for a minimum of 48 hours. They are severly dehydrated, weak and scared, saliva dripping from their mouths is a sign of severe distress”
undercover investigator

Please join the growing global movement to end the dog meat trade by making your voice heard in calling for a dog meat-free Indonesia!

Not only does this trade represent an overwhelming cause of animal suffering, the demand for dog meat encourages the unregulated large-scale illegal theft and movement of dogs of unknown disease and vaccination status between regencies (and islands); and the World Health Organization (WHO) has explicitly highlighted the dog meat trade as a contributing factor to the spread of rabies in Indonesia – a deadly disease that has a devastating impact on human and animal health. So, whilst only a minority of Indonesians consume dog meat – in fact it is estimated that just 7% of the population nationwide ever consumes dog meat – the trade threatens the health and safety of the whole country.

Throughout the world, dogs are people’s most loyal companions, bringing us joy, cherished as "therapists" in schools and in hospitals and homes for the young and elderly, and serving in our police forces and armies. They deserve to be protected from cruelty, and to be recognised – and respected – as companion animals.


have signed so far! Please join us.

Dear President Joko Widodo,

I am deeply concerned about the millions of dogs caught up in Indonesia’s brutal dog meat trade, and the risk this poses to Indonesia’s pledge to eliminate rabies by 2020.

Every year, millions of dogs – including many stolen pets - are transported within Indonesia to supply markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants. Nationwide investigations have revealed the immense suffering caused to these dogs – crude and brutal methods of capture, transport and slaughter – and there are also growing concerns for the risks the dog meat trade poses to human health, including the transmission of deadly rabies.

Despite only a minority of Indonesians ever consuming dog meat, the trade in dogs for consumption threatens the health of the entire nation. The dog meat trade is the only trade known to encourage the large-scale, illegal movement of dogs of unknown disease and vaccination status between regencies (and islands), disrupting herd immunity to rabies achieved through mass vaccination programs. For these reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) has explicitly highlighted the trade in dogs for human consumption as a contributing factor to the spread of rabies in Indonesia. In fact the dog meat trade likely poses the greatest hurdle to Indonesia achieving rabies-free status by 2020.

The brutal and unhygienic slaughter and butchery of dogs, and consumption of meat from rabies-positive animals, puts humans at risk. Human deaths from rabies have been directly linked to involvement in the slaughtering, butchery, handling and even consumption of meat from infected dogs.

Pet ownership is rising rapidly in Indonesia and with that comes a responsibility to provide adequate legislation to protect animals from cruelty. Around the world, dogs loyally assist us as therapists in hospitals and schools and serve with our armed forces and police to protect us. The dog meat trade is the ultimate betrayal of this special relationship.

Across Asia there is mounting opposition towards this cruel trade and an ever-growing number of countries and territories prohibiting the trade in and consumption of dog meat, on the grounds of human health risks, animal protection, and dogs’ special roles as companion animals. Action to protect all dogs from this inherently cruel industry would be applauded and celebrated nationally and globally.

I urge you, on behalf of all dogs and the vast majority (93%) of the Indonesian population who never consumes dog meat, to please take action to safeguard Indonesia’s dogs from cruelty and the nation’s health by ending the cruel and illegal dog meat trade.